Message From The Chairperson Cum Managing Director

Anurradha Prasad
BAG Network is the coming together of ideas with the kinetics to change the way we do business. We believe that content is like dough you can knead it, slice it, bake it and fry it. We also believe that content has a momentum, way beyond its broadcast life-cycle, deep into the market.
Content creators and broadcasters are beginning to realise that it is not enough to just set up the ideate-create-broadcast converyor belt. Visualising the depth of content’s reach and harnessing its energy will now open the doors to an entirely new world of opportunities.
We understand that it is just as much important to process and adapt content, as it is to create it in the first place. It is this range and depth that BAG Network can safely rely on.
It was natural to graduate to broadcasting after having created premium content for nearly a decade and a half. In the digital age, where the Internet and now, mobile phones are changing the way content is consumed, we are ready to process, adapt and harness this new opportunity.
BAG Network has the mind pool of artistes, filmmakers and journalists who form the foundation of its creative structure. Broadcasting takes it into the higher levels of reach and consumption. Digitisation, adaptation, repurposing and packaging are rapidly expanding its reach into the mobile market.
Now, whichever screen you might be gazing at- television, the Internet or the mobile phone– BAG Network has had something to do with making the experience more entertaining, more fulfilling for you.
Yes, the future has just begun.