
The film industry is the staple entertainment diet for millions in India and abroad. The appeal of Indian cinema is universal and the glitz and glamour of Bollywood have dazzled the world for almost a century. There are several channels on air featuring aspects of the Indian film industry. Despite a huge demand, however, there was no channel with dedicated 24-hour programming on news about Bollywood. In spite of the growing clout of Bollywood, there was no channel with its finger on the industry’s pulse. And so, the avid couch potato did not really have a 360 degree perspective of Bollywood.

Keeping this vacuum in mind, we launched E 24, Bollywood’s No. 1 Channel, in March 2008, under the Broadcast 24 umbrella. Modern, interactive, informative and passionate, the channel reports the glitz and glamour of Bollywood with honesty, zeal and commitment. Films, music, entertainment reviews, gossip, scoops and scandals- the channel features all such programmes in unique style and looks.

Bollywood Reporter, Filmy Café, E Special and One Day One Life are some key programmes of E 24 that easily qualify as channel drivers. These programmes, and others on the channel, have done consistently well since the launch.

However, this is just the beginning. The channel strives to showcase Bollywood with innovative content, presented in its very own unique style to give its viewers the daily dose of Bollywood- 24 hours a day, seven days a week.